American Jojo ripoff.

Started by Ioshyriku, May 29, 2016, 10:13:33 AM

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Does it really count as news if it's about something released in '97, either way it's pretty interesting.
So apparently there is an American ripoff of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders to be more exact.
Still it is a pretty fun read and the art is quite good, especially the designs of the Stands (See, it's not even trying to hide it).

You can read it here:


Wow, I can't believe how they got away with this back then, especially referring to the characters as "Stand Users" too. But yeah, it only lasted an issue. Interesting find!


I know, right?
Maybe copyright wasn't such a big deal back then.
I wonder what mister Araki would think of this if he knew about it.